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Catholic Church to declare those who died in Easter Sunday attacks as saints

Colombo, Jan 21 (Daily Mirror) - The Catholic Church is to declare those who died in the Easter Sunday attacks as saints, Archbishop of Colombo Cardinal Malcolm Ranjith said over the weekend.

Speaking during a service at St. Sebastian's Church, Kandana, Cardinal Ranjith said the first step towards this move will be taken on April 21 this year when the country commerates the fifth anniversary of the Easter Sunday bomb attacks.

"Those who died in churches on April 21, 2019  sacrificed their lives for what they believed. They came to church on that day because they believed in Christ. They sacrificed their lives because they loved Christ like other saints," he said.

"A person can be named a saint only after the completion of five years since his  sacrifice. Therefore, we will move towards declaring Easter Sunday victims as saints on April 21 this year," he added.

"Christianity is not just engaging in religious observances in churches. We have to stand for justice. We have to speak for the justice of others. This is what Pope Francis has taught us in his encyclical on how church should act," the Cardinal also said.


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